03. What you will build

Project Portfolio

Real-world projects are integral to every Udacity Nanodegree program. They become the foundation for a job-ready portfolio to help learners advance their careers in their chosen field. The projects in the Cloud Developer Nanodegree program were designed in collaboration with a group of highly talented industry professionals to ensure you develop the most in-demand skills. Every project in a Nanodegree program is human-graded by a member of Udacity’s mentor and reviewer network. These project reviews include detailed, personalized feedback on how you can improve their work. Udacity graduates consistently rate projects and project reviews as one of the best parts of their experience with Udacity.

Project 1 - Deploy Static Website on AWS

The cloud is perfect for hosting static websites that only include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files that require no server-side processing. In this project, you will deploy a static website to AWS. First, you will create a S3 bucket, configure the bucket for website hosting, and secure it using IAM policies. Next, you will upload the website files to your bucket and speed up content delivery using AWS’s content distribution network service, CloudFront. Lastly, you will access your website in a browser using the unique S3 endpoint.

Project 2 - Udagram: your own Instagram on AWS

In this project, you will develop a cloud-based application for uploading, listing, and filtering images. You will use Node.js/Express, a popular javascript framework for networked application development to develop this application. You will implement a REST API to issue commands using HTTP, store data in Amazon Web Services Relational Data Service (RDS) and S3, extend the codebase with secure authentication signon features, and deploy to Amazon Web Services Elastic Beanstalk. These are the hard skills you’ll need in any Cloud developer role.

Project 3 - Refactor Udagram app into Microservices and deploy using Kubernetes

In this project, you will reuse their existing Udagram application and convert and extend into a microservice architecture. After the application is divided into smaller service, you will containerize it and deploy it to a Kubernetes cluster. This includes the deployment pipeline, scalability, observability, services, networking, and deployment strategies to service the system. You will then implement and interpret performance, usage, and logs to solve real problems similar to those they would encounter in the field.

Project 4 - Serverless Application

In this project you will develop an Instagram-like serverless service for uploading, listing, and filtering images. You will begin with building serverless REST APIs using API Gateway and AWS Lambda, a stack of serverless technologies on AWS. You will then implement an API to interact with this application, store data in AWS DynamoDB, S3, and Elasticsearch, secure your application with authentication, and deploy to Amazon Web Services using a Serverless framework.

Project 5 - Capstone Project

The purpose of the cloud development capstone project is to give you a chance to combine what you've learned throughout the program. This project will be an important part of your portfolio that will help you achieve your cloud development-related career goals.

In the capstone project, each project is unique to the student. You’ll build an application on AWS based on predefined criteria. Students will define the scope of the project, come up feature list and decide which AWS services to use to meet availability and performance criteria.

We're excited to see what you build!